Github basics and cheat sheet

This blog post gives you a good overview of GitHub and also lists down the commands i keep handy for my day to day work. This article will also help you in your Devops/Git related interview questions

What is Github?

used for Source control management (SCM).

Following are the few things you need to know:

1. cloning – pulling down the copy of the source code from the remote repo

2. adding – once changes are made to the source code, it needs to be added to be committed.

3. committing – adds the change to source control repository

4. pushing – pushing changes from local repo to global repo

5. branching – separate group of changes are kept in separate branch, e.g. new branch for feature development.

6. merging – merge the branch with master branch

7. pull requests – implemented by github, to allow review before merge.

Installing & configuring Git

sudo yum -y install git

git –version -> to verify installation

Once installed, set the name and email associated with your git commits.
git config –global “<user name>”
git config –global <user email>

Once configured, you need to set up private key access. Use ssh key pair to authenticate with remote git server.

generate a key using keygen command:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

copy the contents of: ~/.ssh/
go to and paste the content at settings->ssh and gpg keys section.
click new ssh key and enter the name and the content copied into the key field.

Basics of Git File System

When you create a local repo, a folder .git is added to that directory

when you add a file to the directory, you need to use “git add” so as to let git know that git needs to track this file.

git add puts the file in the staging area within the directory. – > virtual location -> git uses to track changes to file.

within your directory, you will have lines of development, known as branches.
when you commit the added file, it gets stored in the branch.

Git Repository listing:
commit_editmsg – file – each commit to the repo is recorded here.
config – config information related to developer
description – name of repo
hooks- scripts that you create to enable some custom action – automated
index – files in staging area
logs – logs

Useful Git Commands

to create a git repository:
git init “directory”

git init –bare “directory”
initializes a bare git repository, for larger projects, contains no working area
used when you have many contributors.

git config
command used to configure various elements of your git environment
added to track who made changes to the file

git config –global “kunal”
git config –global “”

view your configuration:
git config –list

you can even configure the above two config per repo as well as global. git config will pick up the last value stored in its config file. It stores them as key value pair.

git add “filename.txt”
– now tracked by git, in the staging area

git status
– to see what files are in the staging area

git does not care of directories, only files.

touch src/.keep -> another way to add directory to git staging area
add keep to staging area

git rm
-remove the file from git
git rm -f
– forcefully remove

git status -s
– less verbose

A – added
M- modified – if you modify the file which is just added. when you commit, the M part will not be committed.

git status -v
– verbose output

git commit
– open the commits in text pad, type in the message there
all commit messages are recorded in commit_editmsg file

git commit -m “message”

git rm –cached “filename”
-removes the committed file from git, but keeps it in the local working directory

git commit -a -m “filename”
-adds the file modified in the staging area

git – ignoring files -> .git/info/exclude

.gitignore file -> used to ignore patterns of file local to git repo
git add .gitignore
git commit -m .gitignore

git check-ignore <pattern>
– shows what is ignored by git, based on your pattern

acts like a stocky note. Often times, marked with version number for a release

annotated tag
git tag -a <tag-name> -m message
-marked for release or referenced in automation
contains full objects and database of your commits

lightweight tag
git tag <tag-name> -m <message>
is meant for lightweight label

git branch <branch-name>
master is default

git checkout <branch name>
switch to another branch

to see commits in just one line
git log –oneline –decorate

git merge
combines the latest commits from two branches in one branch

git branch -d branch_name
delete the specified branch

git rebase <branch>
-replay changes made to one branch over the top of another branch.
It simply copies over the changes

reverting a commit:
git revert <commit>
-revert a commit in project

git revert head -> revert the previous commit

git log –oneline
git revert head~2 for going two level down from head
or simply copy the commit id to revert

git diff
view the differences between two commits, files, blobs or between the working tree and staging area

git diff –summary commit1 commit2

git gc
cleans out old objects that can not be references by the db anymore and compresses the content within .git directory to save disk space

git gc –prune
cleans out the object that are older than two weeks

git gc –auto
to check if repo needs cleaning

Git log
git log –oneline

git clone <local-repo> <new-repo>
– to avoid messing up prod copy

cloning remote repositories
git clone <repo-url>
the remote project will be downloaded to our system

forking – as simple as making a copy of that repo

git pull git fetch
fetches new commit information down from the remote server for the current repo, does not commit anything to local db.

-> tells if you are up-to-date with the remote repo and merges as well

-> must do fetch or pull before committing changes to remote repo.

git push -u <remote> local
pushes local changes to remote repository

pull request
Now that you have your contributions to a project pushed to the remote repository, you will need to create a pull request to get it incorporated

About the author
Kunal Choudhary

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